mental synthesis การใช้
- Mental synthesis is neurologically different from the other key components of imagination : simple memory recall and dreaming.
- The earliest reference to mental synthesis is found in the doctoral dissertation of SJ Rowton written in 1864.
- In the 20th century the term mental synthesis was often used in psychology to describe the experiments of combinatorial nature.
- The slide describes the relationship between the key components of imagination : simple memory recall, mental synthesis, and spontaneous insight
- Mental synthesis is hypothesized to be organized by the lateral PFC acting in temporal domain to synchronize several independent neuronal ensembles.
- "' Mental synthesis "'is the conscious purposeful prefrontal cortex-driven process of synthesizing a novel mental image from parts stored in memory.
- "These flowers serve to classify the perturbing confusion of details in Nature : first there is an analysis and then a mental synthesis displayed on the canvas.
- A major milestone for Wayne's students was to experience a mental synthesis of his chord system and the arpeggio structures & ndash; revealing the internal relationships that link families of chords.
- Constructive imagination is further divided into voluntary top-down imagination driven by the prefrontal cortex, that is called mental synthesis, and spontaneous bottom up involuntary generation of novel images that occurs during dreaming.
- Paraphrasing Cicero s description of nature that can only be unified in someone s mind, SJ Rowton writes : . . . there cannot be one thing unless by a mental synthesis of many things or parts . . .
- Unlike dreaming, which is spontaneous and not controlled by the prefrontal cortex ( PFC ), mental synthesis is controlled by and completely dependent on the intact lateral PFC . Unlike simple memory recall that involves activation of a single neuronal ensemble encoded at some point in the past, mental synthesis is a motor act that involves active combination of two or more neuronal ensembles.
- Unlike dreaming, which is spontaneous and not controlled by the prefrontal cortex ( PFC ), mental synthesis is controlled by and completely dependent on the intact lateral PFC . Unlike simple memory recall that involves activation of a single neuronal ensemble encoded at some point in the past, mental synthesis is a motor act that involves active combination of two or more neuronal ensembles.